The Contours of Desire

Not every journey comes with a map

Petra has been unable to move forward from her experiences during her off-the-leash weekend: the seduction of Martin and Cynthia awakened desires she has been unable to contain, but also unwilling to embrace. When her therapist prescribes a visit to the Blue Haven Retreat Center on Lake Makanogin, she’s skeptical, but her husband Phil encourages her explore this new opportunity for healing.

Jessie has been on a journey of her own since a wild lost weekend on Lake Nakanawidah with Phil, embracing the quiet splendour of the woods and lakes. She feels complete as she never has before, working at the Blue Haven.

When a winter storm disrupts their journeys and uncovers secrets they have all been hiding, from each other and themselves, Petra, Phil, and Jessie are forced to create a new map unlike any they’ve followed before.

“The Contours of Desire” is part of “Mapping the Boundaries of Love,” along with “A Dip in the Lake“, “Off The Leash“, “Madeline’s Awakening“, and “Casey’s Story.” All are available on Kindle Unlimited and in the Amazon store.

Exclusively on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

I’m Cornelia

I’m just a gal who knows what she likes, and that’s what I write about. I’ve got close to 50 erotic stories, ranging from super spicy shorts to novel-length explorations of sensual fantasies. Some are available only on Kindle Unlimited, and some are available on a wide range of ebook retail sites, including my own storefront that features exclusive stories and alternate covers available only from me.

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