The Senator’s Daughter so far

Have you been following along with “The Senator’s Daughter”, the newest Quentin Quick story? It’s “The Ransom of Red Chief” meets “9 1/2 Weeks” in this satirical BDSM fantasy — and you can read it free on Medium as chapters are released using these friend links:

Chapter 1Chapter 2
Chapter 3Chapter 4
Chapter 5Chapter 6
Chapter 7Chapter 8
Chapter 9Chapter 10

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I’m Cornelia

I’m just a gal who knows what she likes, and that’s what I write about. I’ve got close to 50 erotic stories, ranging from super spicy shorts to novel-length explorations of sensual fantasies. Some are available only on Kindle Unlimited, and some are available on a wide range of ebook retail sites, including my own storefront that features exclusive stories and alternate covers available only from me.

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