Let Mia and Penelope show you a good time!

Two of my favorite stories, “Mia’s Patio Playtime” and “Shagged in the Bookshop,” are FREE this week! Grab your copies and settle in for a wild ride with two of my most intriguing heroines.

Mia’s Patio Playtime

What was supposed to be a run of the mill swap for members of the Fox Run Swingers’ Club turns into an exciting new challenge for Mia when Gabbie has to take a rain check and Ron invites some extra guests. Is she up to this ambitious undertaking? And are they?

Shagged in the Bookshop

When Magian Corp takes over Well Thumbed, the bookshop where Penelope has curated a room of top notch erotic titles, they threaten to sanitize and de-sex her collection. With a little help from four young men hired to help clear out the shop, Penelope takes charge and stages an event that would make Anais Nin and Henry Miller blush.

Want a cheap and easy way to support me? Buy one of my books directly on Payhip: most are just $1, some come with spicier covers than Amazon and Smashwords permit, and you get discounts when you buy more than one.

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I’m Cornelia

I’m just a gal who knows what she likes, and that’s what I write about. I’ve got close to 50 erotic stories, ranging from super spicy shorts to novel-length explorations of sensual fantasies. Some are available only on Kindle Unlimited, and some are available on a wide range of ebook retail sites, including my own storefront that features exclusive stories and alternate covers available only from me.

Not sure where to start? Check out my handy guide based on length, series, location, and kink to find just the right Cornelia Quick story for you!