Don’t miss the Quentin Quick sale!

My evil twin Quentin, who tells stories that have more of a bite than the typical Cornelia Quick romp, just came out with a new novelette, “Members Only Night at the Supermarket,” and we’re celebrating with a sale on all three of his stories at Smashwords and Payhip (two of them aren’t safe to publish on the other platforms, including Amazon …). The sale ends tonight, so grab them while you can!

Members Only Night at the Supermarket

The flyer on the break room wall at MacIntosh and Sons’ Market offers a great wage for a special overnight shift open to members of an exclusive shopping club. Tami needs the cash, and so signs up for the shift, not realizing that the extra duties are a little … well… messy 

A little dubcon, a little free use, and a whole lot of sticky food play …

Available on Smashwords and Payhip only! (Not-safe-for-Amazon cover also available …)

17.8K word novelette

A Family Condition

Vikki is an adult film performer whose life takes a surprising turn after performing with Gunnar Hawk, the Norwegian Narwhal; she discovers a strange and erotic underworld of bondage and breeding she never imagined existed.

Osmo is a naive college student who discovers he has a special gift for passion, and must find a way to balance pursuits of the mind and pursuits of the body.

This tale explores the tangled web of fate that connects Vikki, Gunnar, and Osmo over almost three decades of decadent adventures …

Some BDSM, multiple gangbangs, and some accidental incest …

46K word novel

Available on Smashwords and Payhip only! (Not-safe-for-Amazon cover also available …)

Baby Bump

When Henry’s roommate Stu seizes the opportunities offered by the #BabyBump viral trend on the socials, he finds himself roped into a world of crazy (and sometimes dangerous) organic insemination. Can Henry find something like love in the endless stream of clients seeking their services? And does he want to?

Social satire throughout — if you like TikTok, cops, and/or late night TV, you may take offense …

29K word novella

Available on Smashwords and Payhip (including with a not-safe-for-Amazon cover); also available at other retailers, including Amazon, but the 99 cent deal applies only on Smashwords and Payhip.

Want a cheap and easy way to support me? Buy one of my books directly on Payhip: most are just $1, some come with spicier covers than Amazon and Smashwords permit, and you get discounts when you buy more than one.

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I’m Cornelia

I’m just a gal who knows what she likes, and that’s what I write about. I’ve got close to 50 erotic stories, ranging from super spicy shorts to novel-length explorations of sensual fantasies. Some are available only on Kindle Unlimited, and some are available on a wide range of ebook retail sites, including my own storefront that features exclusive stories and alternate covers available only from me.

Not sure where to start? Check out my handy guide based on length, series, location, and kink to find just the right Cornelia Quick story for you!