Story Selector

“But Cornelia!” I hear you gasp in exasperation. “You’ve got so many stories! How do I even know where to start?”

I hear you, gentle reader, I hear you … my catalog overwhelms me sometimes. There are so many goodies to choose from!

This short guide is intended to get you started on your journey of discovery in Cornelia Quick’s ouvre. Below are some selections based on length; I’ve also got guides by kink, by series, by location, and by author (I also write as Quentin Quick and Laz Larue).

Leave me a note if you’re having trouble finding what you want and I’ll do my best to deliver!

The Quick and Dirty

Are you looking for something short and spicy to occupy the filthier parts of your mind for a little while? Here are some stories that weigh in under 7,000 words, which typically take 30 minutes or so to enjoy. (Note that this is the high octane, uncut stuff, with a very high heat ratio — these stories know where they’re going, and they take you there fast.)

Beach Volleyball Bump

Crossing Swords With the Fencing Club

Groped by the Garage Band

Mashed on Moving Day

Pounded at Pirate Land

Too Hot to Sleep: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

The Eroticist at Play

The Slower Burn

Maybe you’ve got a little more time to spend on a story, and you’re looking for a bit more plot and characterization? But not too much plot and characterization … These stories spend a little more time getting to the payoff, but the payoff is a good time for all. Coming in at under 19,000 words, these stories might take a couple hours to enjoy, often with several hot scenes threaded through the story.

Beach Volleyball Rematch!

Checked by the Chess Club

Crammed at the Christmas Craft Fair

Hot Mess Express: #VanLife

Katie’s Christmas Cracker

Laurels to the Victor

Matin, Midi, Minuit

Members Only Night at the Supermarket

The Pinball Queen’s Debauch

The Night of the Storm


The Full Monty

If you’re looking for something that takes its time to unfold, bringing the characters through a journey of erotic awakening, you’ll enjoy these explorations into the sensual and the seductive. They’re equally as hot as the little snacks we started with, but are served as multi-course meals you’ll enjoy through several reading sessions.

A Family Condition

Beneath the Mask

Dido Reclaimed

Dorothy’s Domestic Bliss

Dorothy’s Double Delight

How I Won Spring Break

Spring Break Binge

The Betwixtmas Switch

I’m Cornelia

I’m just a gal who knows what she likes, and that’s what I write about. I’ve got close to 50 erotic stories, ranging from super spicy shorts to novel-length explorations of sensual fantasies. Some are available only on Kindle Unlimited, and some are available on a wide range of ebook retail sites, including my own storefront that features exclusive stories and alternate covers available only from me.

Not sure where to start? Check out my handy guide based on length, series, location, and kink to find just the right Cornelia Quick story for you!